Saturday, September 22, 2007

Speak Out

The personal projects I take on always have a purpose, and one of recent posters I've designed was for the Mutanabbi Street Coalition, a collection of letterpress printers and poets joining together for the recognition of the Mutanabbi Street bombing.

We are constantly bombarded with news of depressing events that influence us, on worldwide, local, and personal levels. With such an influx of negativity, it can seem a daunting and impossible task to overcome the adversity.

For centuries on Mutanabbi Street, despite overbearing political forces, booksellers have housed literary works that have inspired intellectual thought and cafes have been homes for patrons to peacefully debate their passionate ideas.

But on March 5th, 2007, Mutanabbi Street was silent . . .

. . . in response the Mutanabbi Street Coalition spoke out.

The overpowering of 53 inhumane actions in Speak Out is dedicated to the booksellers of Mutanabbi Street and all who promote free speech and the peaceful transfer of ideas, whether it is through a book, a banner, or a simple broadside, even the smallest light has power over dark.

All 35+ broadsides contributed to the project will be on display at SFCB October 19th to November 21st 2007.

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